“All Randox Cases Must Be Reviewed Now”, Demands Mr Loophole!
Commenting on the news that data relating to more than 6,000 samples tested at Randox Testing Service’s Manchester site may have been manipulated, criminal defence lawyer Nick Freeman, aka Mr Loophole, said:
“My worst fears have now been realised. I said last time that this could be the tip of the iceberg. Once a Government approved organisation, or its employees, has been found to have manipulated data, their credibility is shot, and every case in which they have been involved in forensic analysis should be the subject of an urgent review.
“In my opinion the starting point now must be a thorough re-examination of the forensic results in all cases where the conviction of the defendant relied on the results of tests carried out at Randox’s Manchester site.
“It is imperative that justice must be seen to be done and any Government approved supplier must be seen to be above reproach.”
On February 20, the Crown Prosecution discontinued a drug driving case after Mr Freeman’s firm challenged the results of a blood sample sent to the private business.
That decision came just 24 hours after two employees at Randox were arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.
About Nick Freeman
Nick Freeman is probably the best known solicitor practising in the country today.
He has been dubbed "Mr Loophole" by the press owing to his vast technical knowledge of motoring law matters and his ability to successfully challenge the prosecution over procedural irregularities.
Nick is widely known for his celebrity client list and high profile criminal defence cases.
Nick is the head of Freeman & Co. Solicitors and although based in Manchester, represents defendants in motoring and criminal cases all over the country.
After graduating from Chester Law School in 1979, Nick started his career as a prosecuting solicitor for Greater Manchester Police.
Nick soon became known for his technical legal abilities and robust court room style and he was soon recruited into private practice by the highly respected solicitors firm of Burton & Co. He was soon to be made a partner at the practice but in 1999 he decided to start his own firm following which Freeman & Co. was formed.
Owing to Nick's meticulous case preparation and technical legal skill he soon made Freeman & Co. one of the most respected and sought after criminal solicitors firms in the country.
Despite the celebrity client list and media attention, Nick and Freeman & Co. have built their practice on representing ordinary members of the public with the same tenacity as those more high profile cases that are reported in the press and on TV.
Outside of his professional practice Nick is a regular expert guest on TV and radio and is well regarded as an expert legal commentator. He is an ardent supporter of defendant anonymity in sex cases.
In recent times his credits have included Tonight With Trevor MacDonald, Close Up North West, Channel 4 News, BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 5 Live to name but a few. He also appears regularly on Sky News, BBC News 24 and Legal Eagles on ITV's This Morning. Nick is a regular legal commentator for the Sunday Times.
A father of 2 children Nick is a keen golfer with a 2.9 handicap and enjoys vigorous exercise with his Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Contacting Nick Freeman
For professional matters and representation Nick can be contacted through Freeman & Co. on 0161 236 7007 or you can send him a confidential email by clicking here.
If you would like to contact Nick for a media appearance or legal comment please call David Simister on 0845 389 26 26.